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My art is about endless exploration. My work is about life, being both mundane and extraordinary, being fascinated with how energy moves, finding soothing rhythms, appreciating nature's wonders, feeding my curiosity, writing poetry, cultivating and nourishing my freedom, and respecting my intuition.


I would describe my works as inner expressions of how I see the world, how I see myself. I start by touching the canvas, and it leads me to experiment with form, shape, line, texture, and simply admire all the beautiful qualities of simple materials, such as discarded paper, plastic, textiles or natural beauties, such as tree branches, leaves, and grass. My inspiration comes from living.


As a self-taught artist, with an M.A. from the Moscow Linguistic University in English and French and a Holistic Therapy Diploma from the Calgary Wild Rose College of Natural Healing focusing on colour therapy I work on developing a rich language of visual communication. My works share their vibrant energy with collectors throughout the world. For memorial art, I offer a compassionate ashes-to-art service creating a beautiful connection with the deceased through incorporating human or animal cremains in art.

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